Four Digital Real Estate Trends We Are Seeing So Far This Year – 2022

Four Digital Real Estate Trends We Are Seeing So Far This Year - 2022

Ellen Britt for CNT #NFT

 With the digital real estate boom happening right under your nose, it’s critical to keep up with trends as you plot your next move! Here are five trends so far this year in the digital real estate space that show no signs of slowing down:

One – Expect sales of land in the metaverse to continue to rise. In 2021, virtual land sales reached an eye-popping $500 million. Sales this year could reach $1 billion (with a “B”!) as the metaverse land grab continues to explode.

Early Movers

Two – The early movers in this space will continue to be in the corporate and investment firm space, as we have seen with investment banking giant JP Morgan opening its virtual lounge and international law firm Arent Fox making the leap as well. 


Three – There could be volatility in the market, depending on moves from the major metaverse platforms, such as Decentraland, The Sandbox, Roblox, and don’t count out the soon-to-be-launched Mint City Places.


Four – Attending events such as conferences, summits, concerts, and other offerings is likely to accelerate, as “Zoom fatigue” sets in.

Small Business

Five – More and more smaller businesses will find their way into the metaverse as well, especially with help from platforms such as Mint City Places.

But remember, the year is still young and we’ll keep you updated on emerging trends!

In Other News

By Ellen Britt

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