Welcome To Satoshi Island Where Crypto Is King (And Queen!)

Welcome To Satoshi Island Where Crypto Is King (And Queen!)

Ellen Britt for CNT #NFT

Visualize this…a South Pacific Island where only crypto is allowed along with the lure of a decentralized future. Welcome to Satoshi Island!

Satoshi Island, named for the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, who set BTC loose in the world and then disappeared, is a 32-million-square-foot private island sanctuary located in the remote South Pacific.

Each Home Will Be An NFT

According to CoinTelegraph, modular homes on the island are already under construction and so far the venture has attracted 50,000 NFT applications of interest from people wanting to become permanent crypto residents. Each home will also be an NFT. In addition to being a gathering place for crypto enthusiasts, the island intends to host year round events as well.

Not Pie In The Sky

Unlike many pie-in-the-sky ventures which failed from lack of planning such as the Fyre festival or CryptoLand, the founders of Satoshi Island did their research and planning before saying a word to anyone. The idea began back in 2017 and the team has done considerable research to locate the actual island, which is controlled by the government of Venatu and which supports the plan.

21,000 Is The Number

The number of permanent residents will be capped at 21,000, a tip of the hat to the supply of bitcoin, which is capped at 21,000,000 coins. The NFT will not grant citizenship, as that will have to be done through the government of Venatu and costs $130,000.

De Plane, Boss!

A 4th quarter of 2022 private opening with short-term visits is planned, with NFT homeowners able to actually begin living on the island by early 2023. This is no Fantasy Island!

In Other News

By Ellen Britt

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