How To Make Passive Income From The Metaverse – Billboards

How To Make Passive Income From The Metaverse - Billboards

Ellen Britt for CNT #NFT

We’ve talked in a prior article about how there are money making opportunities in the metaverse. One of these is metaverse billboards. Here’s what you need to know.

First of all, you have to have a thorough knowledge of the metaverse platform in which you plan to put your billboard. Different platforms have different ways of working and you need to know about the differences before you jump in.

Be Seen!

Most platforms will have a way for you to purchase a piece of virtual real estate on which to put your billboard, but you want to be sure that after you build it, your billboard will be seen. If it’s not, then what’s the point?!

Location, Location, Location

Some platforms build all around the plot you have purchased, so you can see the neighbors, people walking, buildings and so forth. That’s great for billboard owners. Others just build in the lot that you are in, so no one else is likely to see your billboard. 


Then there is this concept called persistence. In a nutshell, this means that unless all of your neighbors are currently displaying their billboards, yours won’t be seen either. 

Getting A Customer

After all that of course, you need someone to lease your billboard to!

Know who the major players are in your chosen platform and get to know them. A virtual leasing company can help you connect to the right customers for the amount of money you want.

The Coin Of The Realm

Finally, be sure you are familiar with the cryptocurrencies that your platform deals in, then get a wallet and learn how to use it. After all, this is the way you will be accepting billboard rental payments from your customers. 

It’s a brave new world. Enjoy it! 

In Other NEWS



By Ellen Britt

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