
NATIONAL CHILI DAY February 24, 2022

NATIONAL CHILI DAY February 24, 2022

Troy Warren for CNT #Celebrations NATIONAL CHILI DAY National Chili Day on the fourth Thursday in February honors one of America’s favorite winter dishes–chili. It’s also known as chili con carne (chili with meat). In Spanish, chili refers to “chili pepper” and carne means “meat”. Chili is most commonly made up of tomatoes, beans, chili peppers, meat, garlic, onions, and cumin.  However, cooks offer up so many variations to the basic chili recipe. And, with so many varieties, chili cook-off competitions love to feature chili as a favored entry.   American frontier settlers used a “chili” recipe of dried beef, suet, dried chili peppers, and salt.…
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