
Joey Chestnut Broke the Hot Dog Eating Record Again — Even as Technical Difficulties Kept Viewers From Seeing It

Joey Chestnut Broke the Hot Dog Eating Record Again — Even as Technical Difficulties Kept Viewers From Seeing It

By Jelisa Castrodale | FoodAndWine.Com Troy Warren for CNT ESPN's live feed cut out in the midst of the July 4th feeding frenzy. There are a few traditions that you can count on every Fourth of July: a stranger will yell "America!" when you make eye contact with him, you'll half-watch your neighborhood's fireworks display because you're scrolling through Instagram pics of other neighborhoods' fireworks displays, and Joey Chestnut will eat more hot dogs in 10 minutes than most of us eat in a year. During this year's Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest, Chestnut broke his own record, downing 76…
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