By Bailey Fink | FoodAndWine.Com
Troy Warren for CNT #Foodie #Digital
Simply scan your ingredients and you’ll find recipes in an instant.
Choosing a recipe just got even easier thanks to Snapchat’s new Food Scan feature. Every month more than 170 million Snapchat users utilize the Scan feature to identify dog breeds, plants and trees, wine bottles, and more — and now they can scan actual food ingredients to find recipes.
Snapchat is teaming up with Allrecipes to help home cooks find recipes based on the ingredients they have on hand. All they have to do is place the ingredient on a flat surface, open the main Snapchat camera screen, point the camera at the food, and click Scan. The Scan feature will immediately suggest up to five recipes from that use the food item.
Food Scan is a quick and easy way to discover thousands of recipes from weeknight dinners to holiday favorites. The Food Scan feature recognizes over 1,000 ingredients, like eggs, bananas, and bread, and pulls up relevant recipes as well as information about the ingredient from Wikipedia. It does not yet recognize liquids or packaged foods, so ingredients will need to be unboxed for the best Scan experience.
The Food Scan feature is available to Snapchat users in the U.S. now and will make for a handy tool in the kitchen or at the grocery store. Food Scan will make mealtime easier for parents, new home cooks, college students, and anyone else that has ingredients in their fridge they’re not quite sure what to do with.
Don’t know where to start? Try scanning these items to unlock some of Allrecipes top recipes.
- Mini potatoes
- Ground beef
- Pumpkin
- Pasta or cheese
- Jalapeño peppers
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