Troy Warren for CNT #Celebrations


National Cotton Candy Day celebrates the spun sugar treat that delights candy fans of all ages. On December 7th get your favorite flavor of this sweet delight that dates back to the 1400s.

Originally called spun sugar, cotton candy is still a staple at carnivals, fairs, and the circus. While it may be reminiscent of childhood days, fairy floss also reminds us of fluffy clouds. Since the heated sugar gets spun into thin strands of fine sugar and blown into fat puffs twirled onto paper sticks, it’s a bit like magic. 

We associate it with other magical occasions, too. Carnivals and fairs, the zoo, and the circus delight us. We associate a bit of joy and magic with cotton candy. Nostalgic memories of bustling crowds and the music of the calliope bring a smile to our faces. Cotton candy comes with adventure!


During the 18th century, cotton candy (spun sugar) was first recorded in Europe. At that time, it was very expensive and labor-intensive. Generally, the average person could not afford to purchase cotton candy.  

Then in 1897, Dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton invented machine-spun cotton candy. Their invention introduced cotton candy to a wider audience at the 1904 World’s Fair as Fairy Floss. Fairgoers loved it and bought over 68,000 boxes for 25¢ a box.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalCottonCandyDay

When it comes to celebrating this sweet treat, there are many routes we can take. Try creating an adventure by exploring all the ways cotton candy used to be made and how it’s made today. Share your favorite memories of cotton candy treats while enjoying some cotton candy with those you love. Use #NationalCottonCandyDay to post on social media.

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By Troy Warren

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